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Eating the fondue

A trick
I like dipping quickly my bread (part of it) in my wine glass before dipping in the fondue, but do it quickly otherwise, the bread softens and may fall in the fondue.

piece of bread dipped in a wine glass
With wine

You can do the same thing with kirsch, but take it easy, or you'll quickly fall under the table.

piece of bread dipped in a wine glass
here too

A hint, avoid cutting too large pieces of bread: you want to eat fondue, not bread.

piece of bread too large
Too big

  • piece of bread dipped in a wine glass
    With winepiece of bread dipped in a wine glassWith wine
  • piece of bread dipped in a wine glass
    here toopiece of bread dipped in a wine glasshere too
  • piece of bread too large
    Too bigpiece of bread too largeToo big